Graco HSL25#: XD 10 1/2" Inlet, 3/8" X 50' Hose, NPT
HSL25A - White
HSL25B - Blue
HSL25F - Yellow
Features high-strength dual pedestals for reliable performance in extreme applications. The high performance and heavy-duty XD Series Hose Reel is ideal for rugged indoor and outdoor use in truck dealerships, fleet maintenance, mining maintenance, public works garages, construction vehicle maintenance and service trucks.
- Spring Adjustment - Increase or decrease spring tension while reel is pressurized with fluid
- Full-Flow Swivel - Maximize material flow with minimal pressure drop for faster fills to get more vehicles through your shop
- Optional Adjustable Arm - Easily change the arm position for your application, order with arm (HS models) or without (HN models)
- Durable Finish - Baked-on enamel finish protects reel from corrosion
- Large Hose Capacity with Small Profile - Compact pedestal and spool fits into tight spaces and can accommodate 35-65 foot (10.7-19.8 meters) hose capacity for a wide variety of applications