Automatic tire tread depth measurement with travel speeds of up to 8 km/h | Easy Tread for above-floor installation | with automatic license plate recognition | with Connectivity Kit | Live Monitor | ASA ready
NEW: Easy Tread 2.0 comes standard with a connectivity kit to digitize and automate your vehicle acceptance:
- Live view of all crossings of several Easy Treads in the same workshop network
- 20% faster readings
- Connection option via ASA interface
- Simplified connection to local workshop network
- New interface for easy integration into third-party systems
- Direct connection of monitors and TVs without using the browser
- Optimized statistics functions
Easy Tread - tire diagnosis when driving over
Especially in electric vehicles, the high weight and torque cause enormous wear and tear on tires and chassis components. With the automatic tire diagnosis of every vehicle entering, you not only keep the tire business in your company, but also create a basis for strong customer loyalty through the issue of safety. The immediate assessment of the tire wear pattern simultaneously generates service options for wheel alignment and, if necessary, subsequent calibration of driver assistance systems.
- Measuring the tread depth and evaluating the wear pattern in seconds
- Issue of concrete recommendations for action for the vehicle
- Automatic recognition of national and international license plates
- Measurements possible in both directions
- Up to 8 km/h crossing speed
- High measurement accuracy thanks to maximum tire contact area
- Access to measured values even without a PC (e.g. via tablet, TV, cell phone)
- Performance statistics for better control and targeted optimization of your processes
- No moving mechanical components (low maintenance)
- Quality from Germany
Scope of delivery:
- Easy Tread modules for above-floor installation (measuring modules, LAN cable, main switch box)
- ANPR camera
- Connectivity kit
- Access ramps