The patented design of Gaither’s Bead Saver System quickly became the industry standard for changing tubeless truck tires. By using simple principals of leverage, the Bead Saver System® actually works with the tire and rim to do the work for you, in less time, with less strain, at a fraction of the cost of tire changing machines. The Bead Saver System® mounts and dismounts all tubeless truck tires from 17.5” up to 24.5” and all super singles. It’s the safest, fastest, and easiest way ever invented to change tubeless truck tires – guaranteed not to damage tire beads.
There are two versions of the Bead Saver System® in order to accommodate all tubeless tires. The standard version of the Bead Saver System® (12880) is recommended for all standard sized tubeless truck tires. The deluxe version of the system (12880-E) may be necessary for super singles and wide base tires, as well as problematic tires.