Complete brake system flush in just 10 minutes!
The BrakeVac II brake bleeder machine is a simple, user-friendly and efficient way to flush and bleed today's high-tech brake systems. This system can complete a full brake system flush in 10 minutes with only one operator, thereby lowering labor costs and maximizing profits.
- Performs brake flush using pressure and vacuum simultaneously
- Vacuum pump to easily remove fluid from brake fluid reservoir
- Complete brake system flush in just 10 minutes
- Pressure and vacuum assist, ensuring quick operation
- Adjustable pressure regulator controls operating pressure
- Drain switch to empty new fluid tank for changing to different brake fluids
- Easy to view tank allows for fast visual check of fluid in the reservoir
- Pressure and vacuum assist ensuring quick operation
- Adjustable pressure regulator controls operating pressure
- BrakeVac II may also be purchased without adapters. Part Number 500-8105.
- OEM specific adapters are available.