MotorVac TransTech IV+
Part No. 500-1125B
A complete professional Inline or Dipstick Automatic Transmission Fluid cleaning, exchange and conditioning system that is now even easier to use with the œone step�? direction system for Inline Services
New Features/Benefits:
The œone step�? flow direction system allows you to connect inline and press Start, the TransTech IV+ measures the flow pressure and you can toggle to the correct flow direction. Simple and quick for set-up.
In-line Treatment Injection System: Injects ATF Flush and Treatment quickly and easily.
Expanded In-line Adapter Assortment: More European, Asian and North American Coverage are now available.
Continued Benefits:
- œDual Service Machine�?: Inline and Dipstick capability in a single machine
- The œOne Touch�? Electronic Controls are ease to use and provide feedback during the service.
- œDrain Pan�? feature makes transmission filter change quick and convenient
- œSmart�? control system includes audible low fluid indication and automatic bypass at end of service
- High volume waste fluid pump and dedicated waste hose for fast waste fluid evacuation
Excellent return on investment. One service per day will pay for the machine in a few months!